Assessment of blood flow through various parts of the body such as:

  • KIDNEYS/RENAL DOPPLER – Assessment of blood flow in and out of the kidneys in patients with Kidney Failure, Hypertension, Diabetes, etc.
  • CAROTID DOPPLER – Assessment of blood flow into the brain through the carotid arteries in high-risk patients (Smokers, Hypertensive, Diabetics, etc.) for impending stroke.
  • AV FISTULA MAPPING & MATURITY EVALUATION – Candidate assessment for possible AV Fistulation (the surgical connection between an artery and a vein) in patients undergoing hemodialysis through central access; and Fistula Maturity and readiness for hemodialysis.
  • LIVER DOPPLER – Assessment of blood flow in the liver in liver diseases such as Liver Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension.
  • PERIPHERAL DOPPLER – Evaluation of blood flow in the upper and lower limbs in cases of Peripheral Vascular Disease and clots.